Today~Gayle Swann Provides "A Helping Hand"
With gas prices above $2 per gallon and public transportation nonexistent in many smaller cities in the Greater Chattanooga area, some people are left without a way to get around or without someone to assist them. Especially seniors. Gayle Swann wants to help. Although she will not solve the bigger problem of public transportation, she is providing a service that will help make a dent in its absence.
Today at 12:30, on WNOO (1260 AM), I will interview Gayle Swann, just recently retired educator and now owner of a small business called A Helping Hand--a personalized transportation and assistance service for individuals (especially seniors) in the greater Chattanooga area. I'll talk with Gayle about her past work as a teacher and her present choice to transport and assist people, about raising a family and retiring to open her own business, and about her interest in helping seniors in our area.
Here's a plug for Gayle: If you know anyone needing transportation or help with grocery shopping or other tasks out and about, here are Gayle's business numbers are 423-622-2413 or 423-762-0715. I want to thank Gayle for agreeing to come on WNOO today with me.
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